Aim: to sensitize,
inform and educate students and their parents, through experienced based sport
and learning activities, on the importance of exercise and nutrition on
promotion of health and quality of life.
Aim: to promote exercise as an intervention strategy for prevention and rehabilitation of chronic diseases through different actions (book, webpage, videos, educational seminars etc.) that are addressed to exercise and health proffesionals, population as well as to public and private sectors.
read more...Aim: to sensitize, inform and educate employees, through
theoretical and mainly practical experiential actions, on healthy
lifestyle behaviors (regarding exercise, nutrition, ergonomics, physical &
mental health) at workplace setting.
Aim: to educate scientists-proffesionals of exercise and health, through theoretical but mainly practical applications, on designing, implementing, evaluating and guiding training programs for promotion of health in different target groups (children, adolescents, adults, elderly etc.).
read more...Aim: to initiate the students in a new active
lifestyle and to educate them, through experienced based sport and learning
activities, on the importance of exercise, health, nutrition, life skills and
Aim: to educate and
offer, through theoretical and mainly practical experiential actions, the most
modern strategies and practices related to the adoption of healthy behaviors in
the workplace